Oretol Nigeria Limited (Oretol) is a one of the leading providers of dredging services and real estate development in Nigeria.


At Oretol, CSR is an integral part of our corporate practice. We are fully dedicated to creating business growth while also ensuring that our impact on the environment is realized and that those with whom we associate with are encouraged to do same. We will ensure that ethical practices are carried out across our organization and that we continue in our commitment to our most valuable resource; our employees.


Our corporate social responsibility approach is driven by our values, mission and the choices made each day by our executives, managers and employees as we engage with the immediate community at all operational sites.


The three key areas of our CSR at Oretol are:


Environment, Community and Employment & Ethics.


Oretol is committed to the environment and this can be seen in our Health, Safety and Environment Policy. We recognize the need to protect the natural environment, to keeping our environment clean and unpolluted as this is a benefit to all. We’ll always follow best practices in carrying out our operations. Our company will proactively protect the environment by using environmentally friendly technologies. In ensuring a sustainability culture throughout our operations, we will focus on complying with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and approved code of practice and ensuring that environmental factors are considered during planning and implementation.


We strive to ensure that we create a positive impact which benefits the local community in a transparent and sustainable way. We recognize that we would not exist without the community. Oretol will initiate and support community investment and educational programs and will also provide support to non-profit organizations or movements to promote cultural and economic development of global and local communities.


We will also provide employment opportunities within the local community whenever possible.

Employment and Ethics:

Oretol is committed to:

  • Abiding by legislation relating to employment rights and equal opportunities, especially non-discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin, religion, gender, age, marital status or disability.
  • Ensuring that physical, verbal and psychological abuse or sexual or other forms of harassment towards employees are not tolerated.
  • Paying wages and benefits which meet or exceed national minimum requirements and adhere to working time regulations where applicable.
  • Not to use forced labour nor employ workers under the school-leaving age.
  • To provide a safe and secure workplace and promote good health, safety and good environmental practices.
  • To give employees the freedom to associate or bargain collectively without fear of discrimination.
  • To allow employees to report any concerns they may have over unethical business practices or conduct, dangers to health and safety, or breach of company policies. Any such disclosures will be appropriately investigated.
  • Provide a mechanism by which employees can raise their views and be engaged in change and issues that affect the company.
  • Provide a safe and secure workplace which is conducive to the health and welfare of employees.


  • All employees are expected to behave ethically, with integrity and honesty.
  • Not to give or receive any bribes, extra contractual gratuities, inducements, facilitation fees or similar payments.
  • Not to donate to any political party or similar organisation.


This policy will be reviewed and measured annually to ensure that our commitment to environmental responsibility, the community, and our ethical policy are addressing current issues and are as forward thinking as possible.